Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

One month dedicated to Vocations, Our Lady Aparecida Province, Canoas

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Each year, the Church in Brazil sets aside a month dedicated to vocations. In 1981 as part of their 19th General Assembly, the Brazilian National Bishops Conference (CNBB) set aside August as the month dedicated to vocations. Since then, on each weekend in August, the Church has recognized and celebrated the different vocational gifts of service that build up the Church. The 1st Sunday highlighted the Vocation to the Priesthood; 2nd Sunday – the Vocation to Family Life; 3rd Sunday – the Vocation to Religious Life, and on the 4th Sunday – the Vocation to Laity. When August has five Sundays, the fifth one is dedicated to the catechist’s ministry.

This year, the Vocation Animation Center of the Our Lady Aparecida Province, intensified its efforts to promote vocations. The ND Communities were encouraged to participate in this endeavor as well. Each community promoted and took part in various activities. Among these were celebrations, vocation testimonies, radio programs, live streams, workshops, and gatherings with a vocational theme.

In addition, each weekend different Sisters and ND communities prepared a special live stream presentation. On August 14, the Sisters in the Provincial House Community held a beautiful gathering with the Senior Sisters of Recanto Aparecida. At 3 pm, a tasty and festive afternoon coffee was served to the Sisters from both ND Communities in their dining room. At the same time a vocation song-fest added to the joy and specialness of the gathering.

On August 16, during the week dedicated to Religious Life, a group of Sisters at the Provincial Center gathered with the employees to share information about the life of the Sisters. A vocational prayer service was followed by an informal conversation during which the employees were able to express their doubts or satisfy their curiosity about religious life. At the conclusion of the gathering, the employees presented a flower plant to Sisters Vania Maria and Shirle Maria as a sign of their gratitude and congratulations for Religious Life Day.

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